Azniv Korkejian is a folk singer and songwriter born in Aleppo, Syria to Armenian parents. She spent her childhood in Saudi Arabia and moved to America when her family won a Green Card lottery. Since moving to the US, she's lived in various cities, but is now settled in L.A. Having moved around so much, Azniv has felt displaced, and so her musical name is Bedouine, meaning wanderer or nomad. Bedouine's label Mexican Summer have released a series of singles, titled Looking Glass, which are said to demonstrate discovery, diversity, and collaboration with artists both from and not far from Mexican Summer's family tree. Bedouine's contribution 'All My Trials' is a delicate and wholesome rendition of a folk song of unknown origins. It features plucked acoustic guitar, soft keys and seamless vocal harmonies. All Bandcamp proceeds from Looking Glass will filter straight back to the artist, or a charity of their choice. Have a look! -Ellie Rose-Davies  
